
snf-burnin is an integration testing tool for a running Synnefo deployment. It uses the Synnefo REST APIs to run test scenarios for the following categories:



snf-burnin --token=TOKEN \
           --pithos=PITHOS_BASE_URL \
           --astakos=ASTAKOS_BASE_URL \
           --plankton=PLANKTON_URL \
           --plankton-user=PLANKTON_SYSTEM_USER \
           --image-id=IMAGE_ID \

For more info

snf-burnin --help
-h, --help            show this help message and exit
--api=API             The API URI to use to reach the Synnefo API
--plankton=PLANKTON   The API URI to use to reach the Plankton API
                      Owner of system images
--pithos=PITHOS       The API URI to use to reach the Pithos API
--astakos=ASTAKOS     The API URI to use to reach the Astakos API
--token=TOKEN         The token to use for authentication to the API
--nofailfast          Do not fail immediately if one of the tests fails
--no-ipv6             Disables ipv6 related tests
                      Wait SECONDS seconds for a server action to complete,
                      then the test is considered failed
                      Warn if TIMEOUT seconds have passed and a build
                      operation is still pending
                      Fail the test if TIMEOUT seconds have passed and a
                      build operation is still incomplete
                      Query server status when requests are pending every
                      INTERVAL seconds
--fanout=COUNT        Spawn up to COUNT child processes to execute in
                      parallel, essentially have up to COUNT server build
                      requests outstanding (EXPERIMENTAL)
--force-flavor=FLAVOR ID
                      Force all server creations to use the specified FLAVOR
                      ID instead of a randomly chosen one, useful if disk
                      space is scarce
--image-id=IMAGE ID   Test the specified image id, use 'all' to test all
                      available images (mandatory argument)
--show-stale          Show stale servers from previous runs, whose name
                      starts with `snf-test-'
--delete-stale        Delete stale servers from previous runs, whose name
                      starts with `snf-test-'
                      Force a personality file injection.
                      File path required.
                      Define the absolute path where the output
                      log is stored.
-V, --verbose         Print detailed output about multiple processes
--set-tests=TESTS     Set comma seperated tests for this run.
                      Available tests: auth, images, flavors,
                      servers, server_spawn,
                      network_spawn, pithos.
                      Default = all

Log files

In each run, snf-burnin stores log files in the folder defined in the –log-foler parameter, under the folder with the timestamp of the snf-burnin-run and the image used for it. The name prefixes of the log files are:

  • details: Showing the complete log of snf-burnin run.
  • error: Showing the testcases that encountered a runtime error.
  • failed: Showing the testcases that encountered a failure.

Detailed description of testcases


  • Test that trying to access without a valid token, fails


  • Test image list actually returns images
  • Test detailed image list has the same length as list
  • Test detailed and simple image list contain the same names
  • Test system images have unique names
  • Test every image has specific metadata defined
  • Download image from Pithos
  • Upload and register image


  • Test flavor list actually returns flavors
  • Test detailed flavor list has the same length as list
  • Test detailed and simple flavor list contain the same names
  • Test flavors have unique names
  • Test flavor names have correct format


  • Test simple and detailed server list have the same length
  • Test simple and detailed servers have the same names


  • Submit create server
  • Test server is in BUILD state in server list
  • Test server is in BUILD state in server details
  • Change server metadata
  • Verify the changed metadata are correct
  • Verify server metadata are set based on image metadata
  • Wait until server changes state to ACTIVE, and verify state
  • Test if OOB server console works
  • Test if server has IPv4
  • Test if server has IPv6
  • Test if server responds to ping on IPv4 address
  • Test if server responds to ping on IPv6 address
  • Submit shutdown request
  • Verify server status is STOPPED
  • Submit start request
  • Test server status is ACTIVE
  • Test if server responds to ping on IPv4 address (verify up and running)
  • Test if server responds to ping on IPv6 address (verify up and running)
  • Test SSH to server and verify hostname (IPv4)
  • Test SSH to server and verify hostname (IPv6)
  • Test RDP connection to server (only for Window Images) (IPv4)
  • Test RDP connection to server (only for Window Images) (IPv6)
  • Test file injection for personality enforcement
  • Submit server delete request
  • Test server becomes DELETED
  • Test server is no longer in server list


  • Submit create server A request
  • Test server A becomes ACTIVE
  • Submit create server B request
  • Test server B becomes ACTIVE
  • Submit create private network request
  • Submit connect VMs to private network
  • Test if VMs are connected to network
  • Submit reboot request to server A
  • Test server A responds to ping on IPv4 address (verify up and running)
  • Submit reboot request to server B
  • Test server B responds to ping on IPv4 address (verify up and running)
  • Connect via SSH and setup the new network interface in server A
  • Connect via SSH and setup the new network interface in server B
  • Connect via SSH to server A and test if server B responds to ping on IPv4 address
  • Disconnect servers from network and verify the network details
  • Send delete network request and verify that the network is deleted from the list
  • Send request to delete servers and wait until they are actually deleted


  • Test container list is not empty
  • Test containers have unique names
  • Create a new container
  • Upload simple file to newly created container
  • Download file from Pithos and test it is the same with the one uploaded
  • Remove created file and container from Pithos

Example scripts

Under /snf-tools/conf you can find example scripts for automating snf-burnin testing using cron.

  • runs snf-burnin with the given parameters, deletes stale instances (servers, networks) from old runs and delete logs older than a week. It aborts if snf-burnin runs for longer than expected.
  • checks for failed snf-burnin tests the last 30 minutes in a given log folder. Exit status is 0 if no failures were encountered, else exit status is 1.