Astakos API

This is Astakos API guide.


Astakos service co-ordinates the access to resources (and the subsequent permission model) and acts as the single point of registry and entry to the GRNET cloud services.

This document’s goals is to describe the APIs to the outer world. Make sure you have read the Identity Management Service (Astakos) general architecture first.

Document Revisions

Revision Description
0.13 (January 21, 2013) Extend api to export user presentation & quota information.
0.6 (June 06, 2012) Split service and admin API.
0.1 (Feb 10, 2012) Initial release.

Get Services

Returns a json formatted list containing information about the supported cloud services.

Uri Method Description
/im/get_services GET Get cloud services

Example reply:

[{"url": "/", "icon": "home-icon.png", "name": "grnet cloud", "id": "1"},
{"url": "/okeanos.html", "name": "~okeanos", "id": "2"},
{"url": "/ui/", "name": "pithos+", "id": "3"}]

Get Menu

Returns a json formatted list containing the cloud bar links.

Uri Method Description
/im/get_menu GET Get cloud bar menu

Example reply if request user is not authenticated:

[{"url": "/im/", "name": "Sign in"}]

Example reply if request user is authenticated:

[{"url": "/im/login", "name": ""},
{"url": "/im/profile", "name": "My account"},
{"url": "/im/logout", "name": "Sign out"}]

Admin API Operations

The operations described in this chapter allow users to authenticate themselves, send feedback and get user uuid/displayname mappings.

All the operations require a valid user token.


Authenticate API requests require a token. An application that wishes to connect to Astakos, but does not have a token, should redirect the user to /login. (see Astakos Users and Authentication)

Uri Method Description
/im/authenticate GET Authenticate user using token

Request Header Name Value
X-Auth-Token User authentication token

Request Parameter Name Value
usage (optional)

Extended information on the user serialized in the json format will be returned:

Name Description
displayname User displayname
uuid User unique identifier
email List with user emails
name User full name
auth_token_created Token creation date
auth_token_expires Token expiration date
usage List of user resource usage (if usage request parameter is present)

Example reply without usage request parameter:

{"id": "12",
"displayname": "",
"uuid": "a9dc21d2-bcb2-4104-9a9e-402b7c70d6d8",
"email": "[]",
"name": "Firstname Lastname",
"auth_token_created": "Wed, 30 May 2012 10:03:37 GMT",
"auth_token_expires": "Fri, 29 Jun 2012 10:03:37 GMT"}

Example reply with usage request parameter:

{"id": "12",
"displayname": "",
"uuid": "a9dc21d2-bcb2-4104-9a9e-402b7c70d6d8",
"email": "[]",
"name": "Firstname Lastname",
"auth_token_created": "Wed, 30 May 2012 10:03:37 GMT",
"auth_token_expires": "Fri, 29 Jun 2012 10:03:37 GMT",
"usage": [{"currValue": 4536392,
           "display_name": "Storage Space",
           "description": "Pithos account diskspace",
           "verbose_name": "Storage Space",
           "help_text_input_each": "This is the total amount of space on Pithos that will be granted to each user of this Project ", "maxValue": 5368710653,
           "pluralized_display_name": "Storage Space",
           "report_desc": "Storage Space",
           "help_text": "This is the space on Pithos for storing files and VM Images. ",
           "is_abbreviation": false,
           "placeholder": "eg. 10GB",
           "unit": "bytes",
           "name": "pithos+.diskspace"},
          {"currValue": 0,
           "display_name": "System Disk",
           "description": "Virtual machine disk size",
           "verbose_name": "System Disk",
           "help_text_input_each": "This is the total amount of System Disk that will be granted to each user of this Project (this refers to the total System Disk of all VMs, not each VM's System Disk)  ",
           "maxValue": 53687091200,
           "pluralized_display_name": "System Disk",
           "report_desc": "System Disk",
           "help_text": "This is the System Disk that the VMs have that run the OS ",
           "is_abbreviation": false,
           "placeholder": "eg. 5GB, 2GB etc",
           "unit": "bytes",
           "name": "cyclades.disk"},
          {"currValue": 0,
           "display_name": "CPU",
           "description": "Number of virtual machine processors",
           "verbose_name": "cpu",
           "help_text_input_each": "This is the total number of CPUs that will be granted to each user of this Project (on all VMs)  ", "maxValue": 6, "pluralized_display_name": "CPUs",
           "report_desc": "CPUs",
           "help_text": "CPUs used by VMs ",
           "is_abbreviation": true,
           "placeholder": "eg. 1",
           "unit": "",
           "name": "cyclades.cpu"},
          {"currValue": 0,
           "display_name": "RAM",
           "description": "Virtual machines",
           "verbose_name": "ram",
           "help_text_input_each": "This is the total amount of RAM that will be granted to each user of this Project (on all VMs)  ", "maxValue": 6442450944,
           "pluralized_display_name": "RAM",
           "report_desc": "RAM",
           "help_text": "RAM used by VMs ",
           "is_abbreviation": true,
           "placeholder": "eg. 4GB",
           "unit": "bytes", "name": "cyclades.ram"},
          {"currValue": 0, "display_name": "VM",
           "description": "Number of virtual machines",
           "verbose_name": "vm", "help_text_input_each": "This is the total number of VMs that will be granted to each user of this Project ", "maxValue": 2,
           "pluralized_display_name": "VMs",
           "report_desc": "Virtual Machines",
           "help_text": "These are the VMs one can create on the Cyclades UI ",
           "is_abbreviation": true, "placeholder": "eg. 2",
           "unit": "",
           "name": "cyclades.vm"},
          {"currValue": 0,
           "display_name": "private network",
           "description": "Private networks",
           "verbose_name": "private network",
           "help_text_input_each": "This is the total number of Private Networks that will be granted to each user of this Project ",
           "maxValue": 1,
           "pluralized_display_name": "private networks",
           "report_desc": "Private Networks",
           "help_text": "These are the Private Networks one can create on the Cyclades UI. ",
           "is_abbreviation": false,
           "placeholder": "eg. 1",
           "unit": "",
           "name": ""}]}

Return Code Description
204 (No Content) The request succeeded
400 (Bad Request) Method not allowed or no user found
401 (Unauthorized) Missing token or inactive user or penging approval terms
500 (Internal Server Error) The request cannot be completed because of an internal error

Send feedback

Post user feedback.

Uri Method Description
/feedback POST Send feedback

Request Header Name Value
X-Auth-Token User authentication token

Request Parameter Name Value
feedback_msg Feedback message
feedback_data Additional information about service client status

Return Code Description
200 (OK) The request succeeded
502 (Bad Gateway) Send feedback failure
400 (Bad Request) Method not allowed or invalid message data
401 (Unauthorized) Missing or expired user token
500 (Internal Server Error) The request cannot be completed because of an internal error

Get User catalogs

Return a json formatted dictionary containing information about a specific user

Uri Method Description
/user_catalogs POST Get 2 catalogs containing uuid to displayname mapping and the opposite

Request Header Name Value
X-Auth-Token User authentication token

The request body is a json formatted dictionary containing a list with uuids and another list of displaynames to translate.

Example request content:

{"displaynames": ["", ""],
 "uuids":["ff53baa9-c025-4d56-a6e3-963db0438830", "a9dc21d2-bcb2-4104-9a9e-402b7c70d6d8"]}

Example reply:

{"displayname_catalog": {"": "a9dc21d2-bcb2-4104-9a9e-402b7c70d6d8",
                         "": "816351c7-7405-4f26-a968-6380cf47ba1f"},
'uuid_catalog': {"a9dc21d2-bcb2-4104-9a9e-402b7c70d6d8": "",
                 "ff53baa9-c025-4d56-a6e3-963db0438830": ""}}

Return Code Description
200 (OK) The request succeeded
400 (Bad Request) Method not allowed or request body is not json formatted
401 (Unauthorized) Missing or expired or invalid user token
500 (Internal Server Error) The request cannot be completed because of an internal error

Service API Operations

The operations described in this chapter allow services to get user uuid/displayname mappings.

All the operations require a valid service token.

Get User catalogs

Return a json formatted dictionary containing information about a specific user

Uri Method Description
/user_catalogs POST Get 2 catalogs containing uuid to displayname mapping and the opposite

Request Header Name Value
X-Auth-Token Service authentication token

The request body is a json formatted dictionary containing a list with uuids and another list of displaynames to translate. If instead of list null is passed then the response contains the information for all the system users (For discretion purposes this behavior is not exposed in the respective call of the User API).

Example request content:

{"displaynames": ["", ""],
 "uuids":["ff53baa9-c025-4d56-a6e3-963db0438830", "a9dc21d2-bcb2-4104-9a9e-402b7c70d6d8"]}

Example reply:

{"displayname_catalog": {"": "a9dc21d2-bcb2-4104-9a9e-402b7c70d6d8",
                         "": "816351c7-7405-4f26-a968-6380cf47ba1f"},
'uuid_catalog': {"a9dc21d2-bcb2-4104-9a9e-402b7c70d6d8": "",
                 "ff53baa9-c025-4d56-a6e3-963db0438830": ""}}

Return Code Description
200 (OK) The request succeeded
400 (Bad Request) Method not allowed or request body is not json formatted
401 (Unauthorized) Missing or expired or invalid service token
500 (Internal Server Error) The request cannot be completed because of an internal error